THEONAV 2.1 Tools, references, and utilities to aid in maritime navigation. This document was last updated 4/24/2008 TheoNav is a PalmOS application written by Theodric Young. It is a "Swiss-Army Knife" of calculators for navigation. WARNING: THEONAV SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON FOR SAFE NAVIGTION. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: ------------------- TheoNav currently requires Palm OS 4.0 or greater to run properly. We may provide backwards compatibility to older systems in the future, but for now, we are unable to provide an application that works on older system software. TheoNav 2.1 has been tested on the following hardware configurations: Palm m500 - system 4.0 Fossil Abacus WristPDA - system 4.1.2 Palm Treo "Ventura" (prototype of Treo 700p) Palm T|X - system 5.4.9 TheoNav has also been successfully tested on a number of different emulators and simulators, including: Palm Emulator: Palm m100 (OS 3.5) Palm Emulator: Palm IIIc (OS 4.0) Palm Emulator: Palm m505 (OS 4.0) Palm Simulator: Tungsten C (OS 5.2.0) Palm Simulator: Tungsten E (OS 5.2.1) Palm Simulator: Tungsten E2 (OS 4.1) Palm Simulator: Tungsten T (OS 5.0) Palm Simulator: Tungsten T3 (OS 5.2.1) Palm Simulator: Zire 72 (OS 5.2.8) Palm Simulator: Generic (OS 5.2) Palm Simulator: Generic (OS 5.3) Palm Simulator: Generic (OS 5.4) Palm Simulator: Garmin iQue 3600 (OS 5.2r3) Palm Simulator: Tungsten T5 (OS 5.4.8) Palm Simulator: Tungsten E2 (OS 5.4.7) Palm Simulator: Treo 600 (OS 5.2.1) Palm Simulator: Treo 650 (OS 5.4.8) INSTALLATION NOTES: ------------------- The lastest version of TheoNav, zipped with all the necessary support files, should be available at: The following files are part of the standard TheoNav distribution: 1. theonav211.prc 2. MathLib.prc 3. WMM-2005.pdb 4. us_cities_med2.pdb 6. world_ports2.pdb theonav211.prc is the TheoNav application. Install it as you would any Palm application. MathLib.prc is a PalmOS shared library file which is needed for the many floating point calculations in TheoNav. You may already have this library installed on your handheld. If you do not have MathLib installed on your device, you MUST install it for TheoNav to work. (Note: the MathLib API has been effectively included into recent versions of the Palm Garnet operating system, so if you have a newer device, you may not need MathLib.) More information about MathLib can be found here: WMM-2005.pdb is a Palm database version of the WMM World Magnetic Model for epoch 2005.0. TheoNav can still be used without this database, but you will be unable to calculate the magnetic variation based on geographic coordinates. More about the WMM and magnetic models can be found here: The remaining files are location databases. They contain names and geographic coordinates of locations on the earth. These can be used to find the latitude and longitude of specific locations in the Geographic Distance screen, and when determining magnetic variation. These databases are optional and you can choose to install any or all of these databases, depending upon how much space you have on your device. us_cities_med2.pdb: 3556 U.S. cities (population > 10,000) world_ports2.pdb: 4602 ports around the world (from the World Port Index database) Additional databases can be found at USAGE NOTES: ------------ TheoNav should be reasonably self-explanatory to persons already familiar with navigation terms and techniques. It may be less intuitive for non-navigators. There is a fair amount of online help. If in doubt, try choosing Help from the Options menu, try clicking a Help (?) button or a "Tips" button (i) if available. Full documentation for TheoNav is available at RELEASE NOTES: -------------- 4/23/2008: Version 2.1.1 Fixed bug in entry of compass deviation data that sometimes occurs on Palm TX. 5/11/2006: Version 2.1.0 Added colors to the Current Vectors graphic display for color devices. 5/7/2006: Version 2.0.8 Added greyscale startup screen (I created hi-resolution color screens too, but they were really big (over 100K), and I wanted to keep the size of TheoNav as small as possible. 5/5/2006: Version 2.0.7 - Fixed several problems occurring with copy and paste functions. Copy and Paste should now work correctly in all fields. - Added Edit Menu (so you can copy and paste!) - Fixed several problems that occurred when using the popup keyboard to enter data. - Location searches are now fully case and accent insensitive - Fixed minor problem that occurred when entering compass headings directly on the Compass Deviation Edit screen. - Fixed minor problem with status messages not getting fully erased after calculating compass deviation curve. - Fixed minor problem with hh:mm:ss time formats on Speed/Time/Distance screen. 5/2/2006: Version 2.0.6 - Fixed bug in loading the Garmin GPS library for iQue phones. 5/1/2006: Version 2.0.5 - Fixed data entry bug for m100's and other devices running OS 3.5. - Fixed problem where if the name of a vessel is too long it obscures the Edit button on the Compass Deviation screen. - Added colors and grey support to the Compass Deviation graph. 4/24/2006: Version 2.0.4 - Fixed the application icon that was off center. - Fixed a bug that caused some OS 5 devices to crash while beaming a database. 4/24/2006: Version 2.0.3 - Added support for Garmin iQue GPS phones. - Added support for high-resolution screens on the Compass Deviation graph (the dots look like dots now). 4/24/2006: Version 2.0.2 - Fixed a problem where some Treos and other devices using recent updates to the Garnet OS would crash during entry of compass deviation data. - Added color icons - Fixed a bug in the compass deviation screen that would sometimes occur after renaming a database. 4/23/2006: Version 2.0.1 A few bug fixes in this version: - Illegal database names are no longer allowed - Better handling of the pop-up keyboard - All numeric fields are now REALLY numeric fields which should make it easier to enter values on devices with a keyboard. - Fixed a crash that can occur when you switch from the Speed/Time/Dist. screen to another screen then back again. - Extensive testing has revealed that this version does NOT work on some newer devices, specifically Treo's :( 4/17/2006: Version 2.0.0 New Features in version 2: - You can now save any locaton as a "Favorite" - Database management screen alows you to rename, delete and/or beam databases. - Locations can be searched by typing a few letters - Location databases are indexed for faster searching - Multiple formats for latitude and longitude (d.ddd,, - Full documentation available online - Many bug fixes (too numerous to mention) 1/26/2005: Version 1.2.1 Many changes to this version. TheoNav is now shareware. To register TheoNav, visit to obtain a registration code for your Palm username. Then choose "Register" under the "Options" menu to register your copy of TheoNav. It's my philosophy that shareware should be useful software, even for unregistered users. As such, almost all of the features of TheoNav are available to all users. Navigators who enjoy using TheoNav on a regular basis are encouraged to register. As more features are added to TheoNav, some of them will be available to all users for free, some will only be available for registered users. The Compass Deviation screen has been returned. This screen allows you to enter the observed compass deviation values for your vessel and calculate the predicted compass deviation at any heading (true, magnetic, or compass). The compass deviation data for your vessel can be saved based on the name of your vessel, although unregistered users may only save data for one vessel. The Speed/Time/Distance screen has been modified, so the "Calc" buttons only appear if one of the other two parameters has been changed since the last calculation was performed. A "Clear" button has also been added to erase all the values on the screen. The WMM-2000 magnetic model has now expired. The file WMM-2005.pdb contains data for the World Magnetic Model for the year 2005. This magnetic model is valid for five years. 12/23/2004: Version 1.1.2 On the Geographic Distance screen, the "Calc" buttons now only appear when a value in one of the fields has been modified. If no Calc buttons are visible, it means that the displayed speed, time, and distance values are all valid with respect to each other. A "Clear" button was also added to erase the values from this screen. 12/17/2004: Version 1.1.1 On the Geographic Distance screen, the "Calc" button was removed that calculated the origin location, based on the other values on the screen. This calculation had bugs in it, but also there may be more than one origin location on the earth that meets those criteria. 12/14/2004: Version 1.1.0 Added support for location databases. These can be used to find the latitude and longitude of specific cities or ports. 12/10/2004: Version 1.0.0 This is the first official release of this software. The "Compass Deviation" screen has been temporarily removed while it's being reworked. A "Geographic Distance" screen has been added. This can be used to calculate great circle distances between two points, or to calculate coordinates of a location, given a distance and bearing from another point. The magnetic variation may now be calculated from any screen by choosing from the Options menu. Note that entering the variation manually, or chosing the "Set Variation" button don't actually do anything right now because the Compass Deviation feature has been removed. 2/12/2004: Version 0.9.b3 Added support for more than 8 compass deviation values. It should now be able to fit a curve to up to 40 data points. Fixed a bug where the magnetic variation wasn't always shown properly at the bottom of the "full" deviation table. Added a check for the user's system software. TheoNav currently uses features from SDK 3.5, so the application won't work properly on devices that are using system software older than Palm OS 3.5. We may provide support for older systems in the future is demand is high enough. 2/2/2004: Version 0.9.b2 No real functional change in this version, but we are now greeted with a sexy "splash" screen when the application starts up. 1/30/2004: Version 0.9.b1 This version tidies up the compass deviation table functionality. After data points have been entered, a "Full Table", including True, Magnetic, and Compass headings can be generated. This table can be normalized using integer values of True, Magnetic, or Compass headings. This version also allows entry of a magnetic variation value, either directly, or by specifying a longitude and a latitude. TO DO: ------ - Add labels to the graphic display of vector calculations and try to make it look a little nicer. - Include the option of expressing headings and bearings as true, magnetic, or compass, based on the entered compass data. - Allow saving of a variety of user preferences (formats, units, etc.). - More location databases - Provide support for allowing users to generate their own databases of locations. Theodric Young can be reached at: